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Upcoming Events

Hans de Lannoy: Obituary...Blog...Event Details!

Coach Del Community.... We invite you to share memories of how this amazing man touched your life! We will use many of these stories to celebrate him in May & July! Stay tuned for updated details on both! Thank you for being a part of his life. 


Bret Baird Tribute

I will miss you, Hans.  You were always there for me and my family.  I learned so much about grace and life from you.  You had a lasting, positive, impact on everyone you met. -Bret Baird, Cubberley class of '77

Holly Vasquez Haket Tribute

Today, we honor the memory of a man whose impact will be felt for generations to come. A coach, a mentor, a teacher, a friend, and above all, a true inspiration—he was the heartbeat of our school, the voice of encouragement in every hallway, and the driving force behind our proudest moments. -XO Holly Vasquez Haket, SRVHS class of '86

The Herting Family Tribute

Hans was such an inspirational figure in so many ways. He made everyone feel included and he touched everyone with the gift of pride in our community and “the Home of the Champions” at SRVHS. His kindness, wit, and unbelievable memory of every student over the years was truly remarkable. We are beyond grateful that our kids also got to experience him the same way we did. One of a kind — he will be dearly missed but never forgotten. -The Herting Family, Brett SRVHS class of '89, Gina SRVHS class of '88, Austin SRVHS class of 24, Tyler SRVHS '23


Photo Gallery...a beautiful life in pictures!

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